Saturday, January 29, 2011

From Me to You...

And from the depressed to the Depressor I'm writing this to tell of this misery.
How It has joined me in company and follows me wherever I go.

And from the depressed to the Clueless. I tell you that you are fine while I am suffering. You smile at any time on any day. When unfortunately my wish is to crush that smile.

And from the depressed to the Friend. I see you are oblivious to what bothers me. For you aren't there in to first place to see.

And from the depressed to the Indecisive I ask you to be real with me. For I have never in my life asked you for anything. And I'm asking how do you feel about me?

And from the depressed to the Self-Adsorbed I'm saying I wish I was never adsorb in you. Look at what I've brought upon myself.

And from the depressed to the One in my thoughts I ask you only....Is there nothing for us in the future...I'd like to get a head start on shifting you from my memories if not.

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