Saturday, April 30, 2011

New Wicked Artist

So I've been just browsing around online trying to find artist whose work I like. I guess since I've started painting and I love the pop-surrealism theme and that's the direction my work is taking, I should do more current research on the type of artist that are out.

Jeff Soto is my fav. His work is want inspired my current art for my senior show next spring.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

new Theme

So I think the direction I'm going to go for my senior show is taking a change. The theme I am going for is very environmental and has the whole man Vs Wild type concept....Now these paintings are meaningful to me. They are my philosophies of life put into images. Is it still emotional? But I want to create something else. Something more emotional, something that will get me more emotionally involved. I feel that I tend to detach myself from my painting. And for my senior show I'm going to change that. It would be cool if I could display two separate series of work. But I don't know how that will work. The thing is that if I decide to go with this new theme I will be diggin up emotions for individuals that I would rather just move on from. But I need to express this. Shout this out. I want them to see how I really feel....

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Random shyt

The crazy things you can do with coins!!!!

I want this furniture in my house!!! LOL

Wacky Furniture

Capsule: Does it Matter/ Fuck Something

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Another Day

My heart goes out to the ones that were hurt/killed from the strong storms that hit in North Carolina. To know that these storms hit so close to home I am only greatful that my family or home wasn't in the path of one of the many tornadoes. Mother Nature shows no mercy.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I needa cuddle buddy....for real :p

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear Blank, please blank 2

Dear people who were c-section babies,
Technically, you weren't born, you were removed... like a tumor.
Sincerely, reality.

Dear Classmates,
Not everyone who supports gay marriage is gay. Can't a girl support human rights without being called a lesbian?
Sincerely, Open-minded

Dear Ladies,
We aren't that hard to find. We're in the friend zone, right where you left us.
Sincerely, Nice Guys

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hot Musyc: Childish Gambino

"fucking bitches left and right my dick is ambidextrous" lol ♪♫

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'll Pretend

I'll pretend that I'm here and you are here with me.
I'll pretend that the planets have fallen out of orbit and aligned once again....
for this is monumental beyond our control.

I'll pretend that we're birds flying toward the power lines.
Hoping the current in them is strong enough to shock our hearts.
And if the charge is to much and I cease to fly...
just know that I did it for you....anything for you....

And while cruising down that road, you in passenger seat.
If by fate I wrap this car around a tree just know I enjoyed the ride thus far.

In the mean time I'll pretend.That I'm seen and a human being....
who longs for affection though that isn't my expectance.

Cold as Sybiria my insides freeze up.
Lung, Heart and Gut.

So I'll pretend I'm a robot and feel nothing...
I've cut my own circuits....
I'll pretend I'm speaking words of wisdom and my philosophy of love is wrong...
.....or just an illusion...
Thick Skeleton Skull